This Raelian website which explores links between science and theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL

'Evidence Page   4'

"......The only help we will give you will be to appear in the skies more often to make people aware of ..... "   excerpt from chapter 6 in: Le Livre Qui Dit La Verite -the first book of 'The Message Given By Extra-Terrestrials' as transcribed by RAEL in 1973

Section_2a; crop-circles symbolizing mathematical and technological innovations

Section_2b; crop-circles containing coded messages.

Section_3a; crop-circles possesing theological significance

Section_3b; Search for the divine artifacts

Section_4a; crop-circles displaying fractal geometry

Section_4b; crop-circles that are extraordinary or displaying an esoteric meaning

A tiled Square fractal discovered in August 1999 at West Kennett longbarrow, Witlshire, England. In this relatively simple, yet ingenious design it can be seen that there are two iterative repeats of the middle (starting) square

Koch snowflake fractal design which appeared on a wheatfield on Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, July 1998


On the remainder of this webpage will be placed crop-circle formations appearing from 2014 onwards, of 6-pointed stars in which a 'STAR of DAVID' or a variation of the 'STAR of DAVID' can be seen.


This Book of Life for Crop-Circle researchers is for these researchers whom have been part of a great effort that's bringing this intriguing mystery into human consciousness.   There is NOT, as yet, a webpage that provides a list of crop-circle researchers (past and present) with their contributions. Thus, the following book cannot be opened yet


Answers to puzzles: 99/9 ; (44-4)/4