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    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 21stAugust 2015 from now on under this title I will post immediately the most recent information from Elohim about what's happening on Earth in the most secret governments services .The people governing this planet must know that Elohim are watching us and know everything, no Top secret information or state secret from any government can be hidden from them.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 21stAugust 2015 I am not sure that I will live a long time on Earth after the few revelations I am about to make as I am now on the list of people who need to be " terminated" by US and Israel secret services.....But even if I disappear somebody will replace me and receive the information from our Creators, either the new elected Guide of Guide who will replace me or somebody else who will reveal himself ONLY for this purpose and will not be a new Prophet (there will be no more ) or somebody chosen to be the new Raelian Movement leader. His mission will ONLY be to reveal state secrets and absolutely nothing more. Elohim will make sure that whatever happen to me they will continue to try to save Humanity.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 21stAugust 2015   #1 Palestinian Terrorist Plot : Some in Israel government in order to counter the world sympathy for Gaza and the Palestinian suffering are thinking about creating a false flag attack in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem where a powerful bomb will kill thousands of Israeli citizen then blame it on a Palestinian terrorist who will be a psychiatric patient manipulated by the most recent mind control techniques, making him believe that he is receiving direct orders from his god, then the Israeli secret services providing him huge amount of explosives disguised as Hamas members and give him access to the site of the "terrorist attack" probably a sport stadium or another event gathering thousands of people. These Israeli government top officials are willing to sacrifice thousands of their own citizen in order to stop the world from siding with Palestinians over Gaza, and then create a new devastating genocidal attack against Palestinians, the following up consisting of the forced evacuation of all Palestinians survivors "for their own protection" to a welcoming allied Arabic country and the annexation of all Palestinian territories.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 22nd August 2015   #3 Water Poisoning in Palestine : as Israel control most of the water supply in Palestinian territories , Israel army is studying the possibility to poison this water with highly infectious diseases, then, after an outbreak will kill thousands send the Israeli army to "help the population" with , on purpose, non working medicine and vaccines, making Israel having a good image of a " savior" of the poor Palestinian people, while creating a real genocide disguised as an outbreak of a known disease. In fact it will be a human made disease but creating the same symptoms as well known diseases and the medias will propagate the official lie without any inquiry.The only fear of the Israeli army is that as some bacterias or diseases can become airborne it would also kill many Israeli citizen. They are working on a vaccine which will be mandatory for Israeli citizen and allegedly created to protect them from well know diseases outbreak in Palestine while in fact it will be specifically made for this man made disease. And this vaccine will be different from the one, inefficient, given to Palestinian people. All Palestinian people should not drink any water supplied by Israel but only the little amount of water from Palestinian origin or bottled water.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 22nd August 2015   #2 Germ Genocide Plot : The US, Israeli and some NATO countries armies are working on a top secret project of a bacteriological world genocide, and this without any declaration of war .Their project is to spread man made diseases which will kill all non white and non Jewish people. The spread is very easy to make as the material can easily and in very little amount be shipped in regular food or raw material shipping.The bacteriological agent can target only people who are non white or non Jews. It is a little problematic for Israeli government as a majority of Palestinian are in fact genetically real Jews as their ancestors were Jews, while a majority of Israeli do not have the genetic traits of real Jews as they are in fact descendants of central European people who converted to Judaism. The solution which is more difficult is to have a disease which kill everybody but requires all the white and Jewish population to be vaccinated.This would be of course disguised as a well known disease like cholera, or Typhoid. etc...The white and Jewish population would be vaccinated by force in a mandatory way under the pretext to protect Humanity. A false (non efficient) vaccine may be shipped under the disguise of "humanitarian gesture" to all non white countries and may contain some active ingredients making the disease more lethal.The US and Israeli army have already started to test these "weapons" in Africa and very recently in Syria. and will also test the real and fake medicines. The ultimate goal of US , Israel and Nato countries is a world without black , Arabic and Asians where they can freely make a new empire without any local population disturbing and without creating a nuclear world war which would risk to destroy all the planet.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 26th August 2015   #4 False Flag Golan Heights : Israel recent attack on Syria " allegedly "in retaliation from an attack coming from Syrian territory " is another false flag operation and the most disgusting. Inside Syria near Israeli border there is a tiny group of armed opponents to Syrian government. This group is armed , trained and directed by Israeli by officers. They selected some locations where nobody lives in the Israeli territory (in fact in the Syrian territory if the Golan Heights occupied illegally by Israel) and fired some rockets. No civilian and no military were killed or hurt of course as it was empty zones. Then Israel could pretend to " retaliate" by bombing Syrian army saying that they hold the Syrian government responsible for any attack from it s territory. In other words they destroy Syrian army making it weaker to fight the small rebels groups located near Israel borders....in order to protect Israel territory...Almost laughable if there was not hundreds of innocent civilians killed and harmed by Israeli bombings.One of the strongest army in the world cannot protect itself from a small group of Syrian rebels located a few kilometers from it s border and can only bomb Syrian army located hundred of km away to retaliate...and the western medias pass on this lie.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL 29th September 2015   #5 False Flag Persian Gulf : IsraHell is preparing a false flag operation attacking US ships in the Persian Gulf with weapons who will simulate coming from Iran either from stealth airplanes, new stealth drones, or new stealth submarines all in order to have the US attack Iran. By destroying as many US ships as possible they hope to create a shock in US public opinion as big as September 11 and have US and NATO attack Iran. By sending many airplanes and drones in Iran air space at the same time, and escaping quickly they hope to trigger a massive take off of Iranian air force that US ships will believe to be responsible for bombing their flotilla.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL on November 27th, 2015   #6 Turkey Secret Ally of Israel : There was a secret agreement between Turkey and Israel to weaken Syria so that Israel can annex the Golan Heights and Turkey can annex all Kurdish territories located in northern Syria. Both countries planned to achieve this using the pretext of security and by supporting ISIS fighters financially with weapons, supplies, military advisers and commandos. The people of Turkey, who lost many citizens in the military attack on the Gaza humanitarian flotilla, will be interested to know that their government is a secret ally of Israel.

    #ELOHIMLeak  from RAEL on January 3rd, 2016   #7 Okinawa's Nuclear Bombs : American bases in Japan, especially on Okinawa, do not respect the U.S. treaty with Japan. They contain many nuclear bombs and nuclear ICBM missiles that are pointed at China. This makes Okinawa an immediate target in the event of war between the United States and China. The people of Okinawa must act now to expel U.S. military bases and at least obtain the right to inspect those bases immediately. Japanese authorities now don’t have that right. They must have it to ensure that no nuclear weapons are present on Japanese territory as the treaty guarantees.

The full set of #ELOHIMLEAKS can be found by clicking onto the link below ;