This e-Book provides an understanding into the connection between Science and Jewish Theology that is in light of the Message transcribed by Prophet RAEL; Messenger of the Elohim


But you Daniel, keep the words secret and seal the book till the time of the end; many will seek here and there and knowledge will be increased.  Daniel 12:4   These words will only be understood when humanity has reached a sufficient level of Scientific Understanding - that is to say now. All this will happen.       ---- excerpt from La Livre Quit Dit La Verite in the section titled The Last Judgement as transcribed in December 1973 by RAEL The Message Given by Extra-Terrestrials ( re-titled as INTELLIGENT DESIGN )

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This Book of Life for Authors of Theological writings is for Lecturers in Theology and Ancient Languages (( Old Hebrew and Aramaic )) whom have published commentaries and research writings that shine light on the Books contained in the Old and New Testaments.   At this present time there is NOT a webpage that provides a list of these Authors:   So this book cannot be opened yet

The Scientific Method ; A basis for Credibility; e-textbook © 2012 Raelian-Jeffrey Belicofski