This Raelian Website which explores links between Science and Jewish Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

Why First Sunday of April ?

"..........we know that our official arrival will accelerate many things. But we will wait until we see that human beings really want us to come....."........."to achieve this make it known throughout the world that you have meet me and repeat what I have said to you. Wise people will listen to you. Many will take you for a madman and a visionary but i have already told you what to think of the foolish majority......." excerpt from La Livre Quit Dit La Verite in the section titled Your Mission as transcribed in December 1973 by RAEL ( Book has been re-titled as INTELLIGENT DESIGN )

Link is embedded in picture

This Book of Life for the Elohim Embassy Project is for those who have made contributions towards establishing the Elohim Embassy ......either finanacially or with diplomatic assistance.   At this present time there is a webpage that provides a list of some contributors this book can be opened .......however, this webpage might need to be updated as the Embassy moves towards completion.

Raelian Guides; The scroll below is for you to write in to share your thoughts for the 1st sunday April celebration


at 3:55 from the start


......he was .....he is.... and.....he will be "...."......the President of the Governing Council of Eternals is mentioned a total of 5766 times in the Tanakh....."