This Raelian Website which explores links between Science and Jewish Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

My Little Extra-Terrestrial Man

LUMOSITY:   Human Cognition Project
KHANACADEMY:   Khan online Learning

Picture below "Little ET man" for download


For you out there in cyberspace who is yet to develop the faculties of your mind: These books shown below are excellent resources for you to begin on the path. These books impart the mental tools used in many areas of Science and Technology. The Mathematicians whom had developed these mental tools made a great contribution in that they have given human beings useful and powerful methods to formulate engineering solutions. These books are excellent resources for many reasons: All concepts are clearly explained through providing solutions to practical problems. Each chapter has a multitude of excercizes. The answers to ALL excercises are provided.

This Book of Life for Mathematics and Science teachers is for these teachers, whom have through their excellent problem solving textbooks; developed the thnking processes of human minds.   At this present time there is NOT a webpage that provides a list of these authors:   So this book cannot be opened yet.

The textbooks shown below teach the basic principles of the Physical Sciences and Engineering. Two points to stress here; FIRSTLY; Technology might continue to evolve but the basic principles of the Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Engineering will never change and no matter how complex technology becomes the underlaying principles that enable it use all the basic principles that are taught in these textbooks. SECONDLY;   A clear undertanding of the basic principles of the Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Engineering is essential for one to be able to to modify and invent technology.

Each of these textbooks shown below, that can be downloaded from this website are excellent student resources, references and learning tools for 2 reasons.   FIRSTLY; each of these textbooks is excellently written, with excellent diagrams/pictures and SECONDLY; Each of these textbooks has end of chapter exercises.....and most importantly each book also has the answers/solutions to the end of chapter problems.   This is absolutely essential in a textbook to be recommended for a student study tool because the student needs to be able to practically apply the concepts and check they have arrived at the correct answer.   So for these reasons, the textbooks shown below are excellent resources

A point to note is that although these textbooks can be downloaded from this webpage for can get tiring concentrating on a computer screen for many hours.   So there might be the circumstance when the student decides to purchase a hardcopy of one of these textbook.....and it could be a wise decision in the circumstance.


    Algebra and Trigonometry- 2nd Edition by   Jay Ambramson This e-textbook published by Openstax (Rice University) teaches basic Mathematics that's used in all areas of Science and Engineering. One aspect of this textbook woth mentioning is the way the author explains ( occasionally with Diagrams ) abstract concepts in way that can be easily understood ; there's no easy way to acquire mathematical tools .......the student needs to work out solutions to problems and this textbook gives a large selection of end-of-chapter problems with the answers;   Topics include; Radicals ; Polynomials ; Linear equations ; Complex Numbers ; Quadratic Equations : Functions and Graphs: Logarithmic Functions; Trigonometic Functions; Polar Form of Complex Numbers ; Systems of Equations ; Sequences and Series ; The Binomial theorem



    Physics for Scientists and Engineers - 6th Edition by   Paul Tipler     This is a general physics textbook that is not only excellently written ; the book also has a number of innovations with diagrams and pictures.   The author applies the concepts he teaches to practical real-world problems.   There are several worked out solutions to problems in each chapter and also a large selection of end-of-chapter problems with answers to odd numbered problems at the end of the e-textbook.   There are specialised end-of-chapter topics explained in mathematical detail that are not often covered in a textbook on general physics such as wireless communication; carbon nanotubes; holography; Entropy; energy-level diagrams; Fission and Fusion ; quarks; superconductors and more

    Newnes Engineering Science Pocket Book - 3rd Edition by   John Bird     If you've decided to begin a study of the Physics Textbook (shown above) then this comprehensive pocket book is an essential reference essential refeence book for students studying one of the different areas of engineering   In the 1st part of this pocket book; the author provides a comprehensive list of all SI units and the conversions between quantities is shown.   Also the author derives many important units.   This 1st part also includes a section on basic chemical reactions.   The 2nd part of this pocket book contains formula for many areas of Engineering;   Mechanical Engineering including gas-laws; tensile strength; torque; measurement of pressure and much more ; ......also Electrical Engineering including measuring-instruments; electrical-machines; transformers; delta-star-transformations; three-phase systems; power-factor; filter-networks and much more



    Chemistry _The Central Science- 12th Edition by   Brown, Lemay, Bursten       This Chemistry textbook is well known and has been widely used for decades.   This textbook has a number of innovations and also the pictures and diagrams throughout the textbook, used to visualize concepts, are excellent.   Expecially relevant is the way this textbook applies Chemistry to the real world.   Each chapter has several worked solutions to problems with a large number of end-of-chapter problems.   The answers are given at the end of the book.   Also at the end of the book is a glosssary of terms used in Chemistry that's arranged in alphabetical order


    Principles of Chemistry - 2nd Edition by   Martin Silberberg       For the student who has already worked their way through the previous introductory chemistry textbook (above ) then this widely used chemistry textbook will present a challenge.   This is also an introductory chemistry textbook however this textbook focuses on problem solving; teaching the student to plan a logical approach to solving a problem that often requires a multistep solution.   For the student seeking to develop the faculties of their mind in chemistry; then this textbook will provide the challenge they might be seeking.   Each chapter has a multitude of sample problems with solutions. Besides these there are follow-up problems throughout the chapter.   Worked solutions to the follow-up problems appear at the end of the chapter.   Also each chapter has a huge set of end-of-chapter problems and answers to selected problems are given at the end of the textbook.   The diagrams/pictures throughout the textbook are in colour and are of outstanding quality.   This is a very well written textbook


    The Periodic Table; Field Guide to the Elements by   Paul Pearsons and Gail Dixon       If you intend to study the Chemistry textooks shown above then this reference book of all the known chemical elements is essential reading; the qualities of each element are described along with it's melting point; boiling point; crystal structure; and atomic weight.   The history behind the discovery of the element is explained, and also the uses of the element.   The arrangement of the Periodic Table is also explained.   For a chemistry student this book is a masterpiece and an excellent reference book


    Oxord Dictionary of Chemistry Edited by   John Daintith       This Dictionary of Chemistry is arranged in alphabetical chapters; each entry is explained with diagrams showing chemical structures and chemical formulas where necessary.   Terms from all branches of Chemistry are covered; Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic and organic Chemstry; Nuclear Chemistry Forensic Chemistry, Metallurgy and Chemoinformatics.   This dictionary is excellently written....... both clear and concise.


    The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formula by   Graham Woan       If you intend to study the Physics textbook shown above then this reference book will be useful --- this is a quick reference for students in Physics and Engineering which contains over 2000 useful formulas and equations in all areas of Physics;   Mechanics; Quantum Physics; Thermodynamics; Solid State Physics; Electromagnetism; Optics; Astrophysics; and also essential mathematical formulas.   All Physical constants are given and also a list of all SI units and temperature conversions.



    Electrical and Electronic Technology - 10th Edition by   Edward Hughes       Electrical and Electronic Technology by Hughes was first published in England in 1960, with the title Electrical Technology   This textbook has been improved over 10 editions and now this 10th edition covers all the basic principles of electrical circuits and electrical machines and also electronic circuits and solid state devices. This is a well known and widely used textbook.   The circuit diagrams and the explanations to the operation of basic circuits is excellent.   Besides electrical machines and transformers, the textbook covers all basic electronic circuits; rectifiers; passive-filters; power electronics; FET amplifiers; D/A converters; digital fundamentals; signals and systems including convolution and de-convolution, and much more. The end-of-chapter exercises require the student to apply the concepts taught in the chapter and answers to all excercises are given at the end of the e-book.   This 10th edition is outstanding as a student resource


    Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology - 3rd Edition by   John Bird       This is another textbook that teaches the basics of electrical technology and electrical circuit analysis with derivations to all essential formulae that are clear and concise.   The textbook begins by teaching the units associated with electrical quantities; Power and Energy; Ohm's law and electrical measuring instruments.   Onwards, the textbook teaches fundamental principles; basic circuits; A.C. voltages and current; Single-phase and Three-phase circuits; Transformers; D.C Machines; Three-phase induction motors; A.C. Bridges; Attenuators; Filter Networks and much more.   There are also chapters on semiconductor devices; transistors and more.   This is an excellent problem book and ALL answers are given to the end-of-chapter problems.   Within the 45 chapters of this textbook are all the basics of Electrcial and Electronic Technology


    Power Electronics Handbook - 3rd Edition by   Fraidoon Mazda       For the student who is serious about embarking on this journey into circuit design then this Power Electronics Handbook is a useful reference .....and it is a "reference book " and NOT a textbook.   A variety of power electronic circuits are explained including both 3-phase and single phase power electronic circuits.   This handbook begins with a detailed summary of semiconductor devices used to build these circuits such as; Bipolar transistors; Thyristors; Triacs; and voltage-reference-diodes.   Then many circuits are covered starting with basic rectifiers and then A.C.-frequency-converters; push-pull and bridge Inverters; voltage multipliers; and many more.   The graphs showing both output voltage amplitude and phase are excellent.



    Digital Electronics - 11th (Global) Edition by   Thomas Floyd       This widely used textbook is now in it's 11th edition   This "Global" edition has a number of features to it that make it an excellent student resource;   All the basic building blocks of Digital Electronic Circuits are comprehensively covered so to teach the core fundamentals of the subject.   Every chapter ends with a list of key terms and also end-of-chapter problems and answers to odd numbered problems are given at the end of the book.   This textbook is in colour;   the typeset and pictures are excellent


    Electronic Devices and Circuits - 11th Edition by   Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky       This is another widely used textbook that is also in it's 11th edition.   This textbook teaches the fundamentals of electronic devices and circuit configurations for these devices such as BJT transistors and amplifiers; FET transistors and amplifiers; Operational Amplifiers; basic Oscillator circuits and the fundamentals of feedback; there is also a chapter on power supplies.   The textbook also has a chapter on novel 2-terminal devices featuring a comprehensive section on the Schottky diode and Varactor diode and other 2-terminal devices and there is also a chapter on SCR's; Triacs and other pnpn devices.   Each chapter has a large set of end-of-chapter problems .... ....answers to odd-numbers problems are at the end of the book.   The diagrams throughout the textbook are detailed as the text goes into a detailed explanation of device operation



    Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits - 3rd Edition by   James Fiore       This textbook teaches all the basic building block circuits that use the operational amplifier, and also integrated circuits that are built from operational amplifiers.   The author shows a multitude of op-mp circuits in each chapter and derives equations used to select components that will give the desired output.   The textbook is well written and all the authors derivations are easy to follow.   Each chapter ends with a set of review questions and also a set of problems.   Answers to the review questions and to the end-of-chapter problems are at the end of the book.   The author has included manufacturers data sheets and with the many additional topics related to op-amps make this textbook an excellent student resource


    Foundations of Oscillator Circuit Design by   Guillermo Gonzales       If you intend to study the topic in the book above; ( operational amplifiers and linear IC's ) then this book on oscillator circuit is valuable......this is NOT a textbook with review questions and end-of-chapter exercises   However, this is an excellent reference book that teaches the theory and design of the many different types of these basic building blocks;   The author derives formula for selecting components in many design examples that he has shown.   The typeset is excellent, the derivations are easy to follow and the author covers a multitude of oscillator circuits that are well known and also novel.


    Active Filter Design by   Allan Waters       If you intend to study the topic in the book above; ( operational amplifiers and linear IC's ) then this book on Active Filter Design is valuable.   The author begins by explaining the basic concept of electronic filtering and showing the basic low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject, and all-pass filters.   From there the author provides an analysis of a multitude of basic filter circuits using the operational amplifier ....... and then onto complex filter circuits that also use the operational amplifier.   All the design equations the author uses he derives, and his derivations are easy to follow.   In each chapter many filters are designed; completed circuits are shown together with graphs of the output response.   Each chapter has end-of-chapter problems with the answers


    Active Filters ; Theory and Design by   S. Pactitis       This textbook teaches the design of active filters.   The textbook begins by explaining the basic filter types by showing frequency response graphs and giving basic terminology.   From there onwards the author synthesizes well known filter circuits using the op-amp and he shows methods for synthesizing an active filter using a specific type of acive filter to get a specific frequency response.   Each chapter has several design examples.   There is however, a negative aspect to this textbook: No answers are given to the end-of-chapter exercises.   Thus, I'm recommending this textbook with some apprehension, but considering the excellent features of the textbook such as the clarity of the authors derivations of the frequency response of his circuits....... I add this textbook to the collection


    Electronic Filter Design Handbook by   Arthur Williams and Fred Taylor       This widely used handbook of electronic filter design is now in it's 4th Edition.   The handbook begins with an introduction to the theory behind LC networks; the Pole-Zero concept and synthesizing filters from polynomials using both passive and active filters as examples.   Then the handbook explains frequency response characteristics using LC filter examples.   Onwards, the handbook teaches all the techniques to design active, pssive and digital filters.   There is a chapter that covers each of the main filter types; low-pass; high-pass; band-pass; band-reject; switched capacitor filters and microwave filters. There is also a chapter that teaches refinements in LC filter design and a section that teaches digital filter mathematics.   With all the unique features this handbook is very useful for the student who is serious about learning filter design



    Electronic Communications - 4th Edition by   Dennis Roddy and John Coolen       This widely used textbook which was first published in 1980 is now in it's 4th Edition ( as of 2014) .   This is a textbook that teaches the Science of telecommunications;   the operation of many types of circuits is explained including Receivers; Mixers; Tuned-amplifiers; Oscillators; Active-Filters and more.   There is a chapter on Digital Communications and Antennas and more.   This comprehensive textbook is an excellent student resource, but there is, however, one negative aspect to it.   Each chapter ends with a large set of problems but there are NO answers given to any of these end-of-chapter problems   For this reason, this textbook is most ideal for a classroom: where the lecturer has the solutions manual and they can explain solutions to some of the end-of-chapter problems.   In each chapter, the authors provide worked solutions to several design exercises.   This textbook is excellent for the student who is interested in learning how the techniques of circuit analysis are practically applied


    Phse Lock Loop Basics - 2nd Edition by   William Egan       This is an exeptionally well written textbook on the subject of Phase Locked Loops for the student who is serious about understanding electronic communication circuitry from a design point of view.   The textbook begins teaching this basic building block by developing a basic understanding of it's operation and the three main components of which the Phase-Locked-Loop comprises.   The author had been teaching phase-locked-loops at Santa Clara University in California for several years.   After the author explains the basic operation and then the response from a phase-detector ......he moves onto teach the basic loop; loop stability; modulation-response and then onto advanced topics.   Each chapter has design examples (using practical circuits) with worked solutions.


    Microwave Engineering by   David Pozar       This textbook teaches the Science of Microwave Engineering as it's applied to microwave communications and Radar.   The textbook begins with a history of Microwave Engineering and then explains Maxwell's equations and from there builds the mathematical basis for this branch of Engineering, including the wave equation and polarized waves, and from there onwards many types of microwave resonant circuits are analyzed and also microwave-oscillators, microwave-mixers, frequency multipliers and more.   Many types of solid-state devices are explained.   This textbook provies an in-depth comprehensive study of this branch of Engineering   There are end-of-chapter problems.  There are only answers to a few of these problems at the end of the book.....however, there is a solutions manual for the textbook and I've included it below


    Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design by   Samuel Y. Liao       This textbook (published in 1987) teaches the design techniques of microwave amplifiers and oscillators.   This textbook has a number of features that make it a useful student resource:   The author begins by defining the microwave band of frequencies and also gives some history of the development of microwave and radar engineering.   Then transmission lines; matching techniques and the Smith Chart are taught.   Onwards the design of microwave amplifiers and oscillators are taught including high-power-oscillator design; broadband oscillator design; Gunn-diode-oscillator design and IMPATT-oscillator design.   Each chapter contains worked design examples.   There are end-of-chapter problems but NO answers are given in the textbook.


    Modern Electronic Communication by   Jeffrey Beasley and Gary Miller       The textbook teaches the basic principles and circuit operation for many different types of communication systems.   The textbook appears to be directed towards the student studying to be a technician who will be maintaining/troubleshooting different types of communications equipment, but it could be used by any student who wants to get an insight into the circuit operation of different types communication systems.....many different types of circuits are analyzed.   Each chapter features a troubleshooting section.   The textbook is excellently written; the diagrams throughout the textbook are excellent......and each chapter ends with a large number of questions and problems.   Numerical answers given



The Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits contains the largest treasure-trove of circuits that are available anywhere --- and there are many different types of circuits for many different applications.   Volumes 4 and 5 are poor quality scans but the component specifications are still discernable.   Volume 7 is a high resolution scan that is excellent quality....however, the file size would be so huge that it had to be scanned in 6 separate partitions.   The 6 separate Pdf's that comprise Volume 7 of the Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits are available on a separate webpage.....this webpage can be reached by clicking onto the Pdf-link below.  

Volume 7 contains the most useful circuits ; this volume contains over 1000 circuits sourced from popular Electronics Magazines....and organized into 117 Chapters.   Volume 7 was published in the late 1990's

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    Designing Embedded Systems With PICMicrocontrollers - 2nd Edition by   Tim Wilmhurst       This textbook teaches programming of Microcontrollers using Microchips PIC 16F84A and PIC F673A series Microcontrollers.   This textbook has a number of features that make it an excellent textbook, such as the block diagrams that show the inner workings of microcontrollers.   The textbook begins by explaining the basics of program memory and stack; Special Function Registers (SFR's); RAM Addressing; EEPROM Memory and then onto the main idea behind Interrupts, Counters and Timers.   The instruction set for Microchips microcontrollers is explained and the programming is taught using assembly language which is closest to the inner workings of microcontrollers.   Several practical programming codes in assembly language are shown.   The Pin connection diagrams for Microchips PIC 16F84A and PIC F673A series are shown and also the CPU structure using block diagrams and Memory-maps are shown.   The diagrams are excellent and the textbook is very well written.


    Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller - 3rd Edition by   Myke Predko       This is one of the best known books for learning programming of the PIC Microcontroller.   This book provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller hardware and software schemes.   Software development focuses on Microchips MPLAB IDE software developement tool.   The book uses 3 families of PIC microcontrollers and shows examples of code written in assembly language and "C".   The book features many experimental projects showing the programming code for each project.   Tables of instruction sets, Device-Pinouts, I/O-register-addresses for the PIC families are given.   This book has been written for readers with knowledge of programming and electronics has many fatures that make it an excellent reference book.


    The Essential PIC18 Microcontroller by   Sid Katzen       This book that teaches Microchips PIC18 family of Microcontrollers provides an in-depth understanding of these Microcontrollers....beginning with a review of logic circuitry used in Microcontroller Architecture, the textbook then goes onto describe the Central Processing Unit; program memory and the differenet types of memory;   the Interface Ports; the Data Highway; Interrupts; a detailed description of the Stack and the instruction-set and onwards discusses the hardware aspects of interfacing and interrupt handling and much more.   The author also gives some history of PIC's since the inception in 1988 of Arizona Microchip Technology.   There are many worked programming excercises throughout the textbook and most of the chapters end with a set of programming excercises.   There are NO solutions given in the textbook ..........however, a tutorial and solutions manual is provided below



        Textbooks for Computer Science

    The Linux Command Line interface by   William Shotts       This book teaches a braod overview of the Linux Command is targeted at the Linux Command Line User.   It's an excellent student textbook and reference for an IT Technician who needs to learn to administer a Linux Server.   A unique feature of this textbook is in getting the student acquanited with the Linux way of thinking; learning Linux is challenging and it requires real effort.   The book is divided into 4 parts;   Part 1; Learning the Shell   Part 2; Configuration and the Environment   Part 3; Common Tasks and Essential Tools   Part 4; Writing Shell-Scripts.


    Beginning HTML and CSS by   Rob Larson       This textbook provides step by step guidance on the best practices to coding with html and css to develop websites that will be accessed by multiple devices and platforms.   Each chapter ends with exercises; the answers to the end-of-chpater exercises are at the end of the book.   This is an excellent reference book that covers everything from structuring documents for the web and linking to other webpages and e-mail addresses.......using audio and video, tables, backgrounds and borders, text-shadowing and also includes a section on the jQuery library and more  


    JavaScript: A Beginners Guide - 3rd Edition by   John Pollock       This is a beginners textbook that teaches the fundamentals of the Javascript website development programming langauage.   The 16 Chapters have several novel features; ***Key Skills and Concepts;   a section titled ***Ask the Expert: that's filled with relevant information.   Cautions: .....errors and pitfalls to avoid   Self-tests: end of chapter self-tests with answers at the end of the book..... aswell as many more features.   The last chapter teaches on HTML5 and JQuery.   This is an exceptionally well written programming book


    Javascript by Example - 2nd Edition by   Ellie Quigly       This well written and classic textbook teaches javascript and also has a chapter that provides an introduction to AJAX and JSON.   The textbook has a host of examples in each chapter and each chapter ends with a set of exercises that use the concepts taught in the chapter to create interactive webpages.   The textbook includes; working with forms; input devices; working with images (and links); Browser Objects; introduces CSS with Javascript; Cookies; pattern-matching and more.   The author had been teaching scripting languages in Silicon Valley (California ) for more than 20 years; since the early days of website programing.


    Teach yourself C++ in 24 hours by   Jesse Liberty and Rogers Cadenhead       This widely used textbook teaches the basics of C++.....a popular and powerful programming language......... in 24 lessons.   Each lesson builds on the previous lesson;   Step by step instructions teach the most common C++ programming tasks.   Each chapter ends with Quizzes and exercises so the reader can be sure they are ready to move onto the the next lesson.   The answers are given   Each chapter includes notes and tips that point out shortcuts and solutions


    A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ by   Ulla Kirch-Prinz and Peter Prinz       This book was written for readers interested in learning the C++ programming language from scratch, and for both novice and advanced C++ programmers wishing to enhance their knowledge of C++.   It was our goal from the beginning to design this text with the capabilities of serving dual markets, as a textbook and as a holistic reference manual for professionals.   The chapters in this book are organized to guide the reader from elementary language concepts to professional software development, with in-depth coverage of all the C++ language elements en route.   The order in which these elements are discussed reflects our goal of helping the reader to create useful every step of the way.   (taken form the preface of the textbook )


    CCNA Routing and Switching - 2nd Edition by   Todd Lammie       This widely used textbook; CCNA Routing and Switching has been written by a Cisco expert and an authority on Cisco certification with decades of experience in implementing and troubleshooting large scale Cisco data centres.   The textbook begins by teaching the basics of Ethernet Networking; Data Encapsulation and TCP/IP and then moves onto teach the basics of Cisco's Internet-working operating system, and then IP routing.   Each chapter ends with a set of 20 review questions; the answers are given at the end of the textbook.   The clarity and the insight which this textbook provides make it outstanding



        Advanced Undergraduate Textbooks

The remaining textbooks shown below would be used for advanced undergraduate courses in Science and Engineering

    Advanced Enginering Mathematics - 6th Edition by   Dennis Zill       This textbook teaches Advanced Mathematics to Scientists and Engineers.   First published in 1992 this textbook is now in it's 6th Edition.   In almost every chapter the author shows many examples of solving problems in engineering using advanced mathematical methods and using mathematical modelling.   Every chapter has a number of exercises for each section and the end-of-chapter exercises are challenging and interesting.   The answers to odd numbered exercises are at the end of the book.   This 6th edition is in colour.   The authors derivations and modelling are easy to follow


    Advanced Enginering Mathematics - 10th Edition by   Erwin Kreyszig       This is another widely used textbook that teaches Advanced Mathematics to Scientists and Engineers, however this textbook is much more difficult to work through than the previous textbook shown above.   The emphasis in this textbook is in modelling of physical scenarios into a mathematical model, and solving practical problems taken from scenarios in physics, chemistry and engineering.   The author provides excellent insights into abstract mathematical concepts.   Each section ends with a set of exercises and each chapter ends with a set of review questions and problems.   The answers to odd-numbered problems are given at the end of the book.   The late Erwin Otto Keyszig was a German-Canadian mathematician who specialised in applied mathematics.   He was the author of many mathematics books but this is his best known book.   This 10th edition was published in 2011


    Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems - 7th Edition by   Dennis Zill and Michael Cullen     Diferential Equations are covered in Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dennis Zill, however this widely used textbook provides a comprehensive study of these equations and also the modeling of real world engineering scenarios showing how to formulate the problem so it can be solved using one of many types of differential equations.   Each chapter has several worked problems and each chapter has a large set of end-of-chapter problems......answers to most of these problems are at the end of the textbook.   This is a well written mathematics textbook.   This e-book edition is in colour;   The typset is excellent


    Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers - 2nd Edition by   John D. Paliouras     Complex Variables are covered in Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Dennis Zill, however this textbook opens up the door to the real world of Complex Variables starting with a discussion of Complex Numbers in which the author provides an elegant derivation that is the basis of this powerful mathematical tool.   Throughout the textbook the author provides derivations to all the formula he uses and each chapter contains theorems together with the proofs and also several worked exercises.   Each chapter ends with a set of end-of-chapter exercises and answers to most of the exercises are given at the end of the book



    Modern Physics - 3rd Edition by   by Serway, Moses and Moyer       This is a Modern Physics textbook for students who are majoring in one of the Physicial Sciences or Engineering.   This is a very well writen textbook that would have as much value as masterpiece in English prose as it would have as a Physics textbook.   The 1st edition was published in 1989 and this 3rd edition published in 2005 has a number of innovations.   The diagrams and pictures throughout this textbook are excellent and the end-of-chapter question and problems require a good understanding of the concepts to solve them.   The answers to odd numbered problems are given at the end of the book.   This textbook assumes that the student is proficient in Calculus.


    Solid State Physics - 2nd Edition by   J. Hook and H. Hall       This Physics textbook teaches the thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of solids and the unqique properties of crystals.   It's more of a topic in Chemistry than Physics because the ionic, covalent and metallic bonding of solids is explored.   Crystalline solids; Solids with an atomic structure that have a regular pattern are also explored.   The textbook begins by illustrating the methods to describe the structure of crystals, then moves onto describe Free-electrons in metals; Semiconductor devices; Magnetism in solids; Electric properties of insulators; Superconductivity and more.   Each chapter has a set of end-of-chapter problems and answers to ALL end-of-chapter problems are given at the end of the textbook.   the typset used is clear; All the concepts are aided by the diagrams/pictures which provide visual insight.   With all it's features this textbook is an excellent student resource


    Analysis and Design of Analogue Integrated Circuits - 5th Edition by   by Paul Gray, Paul Hurst, Stephen Lewis, Robert Meyer       This textbook grew out of courses on analogue electronic circuits taught at the University of California ....the textbook teaches the physics of electronic devices with the emphasis being on device construction in the fabrication of integrated circuits.   The textbook begins with a summary of the physics of bipolar and MOS transistors and a description of integrated circuit fabrication: Photolithography and Epitaxial Growth.   Onwards the textbook describes fabrication of resistors, diodes, n-channel and p-channel transistors, MOS transistors and more.   Onwards is a detailed description of current mirrors; feedback; amplifier frequency response; op-amps; phase-locked-loops; and more.   This textbook has been co-authoured by Engineers whom have had practical experience designing integrated circuits.   Each chapter has exercises with worked solutions that apply the theory.   There are several features in the textbook that make it an excellent student resource and reference book.



    Organic Chemistry - 9th Edition by   by John McMurry       This is a widely used textbook that's in it's ninth edition.   This edition as well as most previous edition has coloured pictures and many innovative features including specialized topics related to organic chemistry.   Each chapter ends with an essay on a specialized topic and also with a large number of end-of-chapter problems.   The answers to most of the end-of-chapter problems are given at the end of the textbook


    Inorganic Chemistry - 2nd Edition by   Catherine Housecroft and Alan Sharpe       This is another widely used textbook that provides a comprehensive and clear introduction to key principles of Inorganic Chemistry with strong coverage of descriptive chemistry of the elements.   Specially selected topics are included, covering inorganic kinetics and mechanism, catalysis, solid state chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry.   The full-colour text design and three-dimensional illustrations bring inorganic chemistry to life.   Topic boxes have been used extensively throughout the book to relate the chemistry described in the text to everyday life, the chemical industry, environmental issues and natural resources.   Teaching aids throughout the text have been designed to help students learn effectively.   The many worked examples take students through each calculation or exercise step by step, and are followed by self-study exercises tackling similar problems...... (with answers provided).   In addition, there is a great number of end-of-chapter problems that reinforce and develop subject knowledge and skills.   Answers to all 'non-descriptive' problems are at the end of the Book.   Also at the end of each chapter is further reading suggestions for the student wanting to explore a topic in more depth.


    Physical Chemistry - 3rd Edition by   Thomas Engel and Rhillip Reid         This widely used textbook teaches the fundamental concepts of Physical Chemistry and also the textbook has sections that introduce cutting-edge research at the time this 3rd edition was published in 2013.   The emphasis is to teach Physical chemistry by linking the core concepts to practical uses.   The diagrams/graphs/pictures throughout this textbook are in colour and are excellent.   The typset is easy to read.   Equations are in colour.   Each chapter has a multitude of examples with worked solutions and also a large number of end-of-chapter exercises/problems.   Answers to some of the end-of-chapter exercises/problems are given at the end of the textbook.   This textbook has been very well written.


    Physical Chemistry by   David Ball         This textbook that teaches Physical Chemistry is also very well written and is also widely used.   This textbook also has a multitude of worked solutions to examples in every chapter and a large number of end-of-chapter exercises in every chapter, however, in this textbook answers are given to MOST end-of-chapter exercises.   The diagrams throughout the textbook that provide a visual display of core concepts are excellent.   The author assumes that the student has a knowledge of differential and integral calculus.



    Molecular Quantum Mechanics - 4th Edition by   Aitkens and Friedman         This textbook is teaching topic that is abstract both conceptualy and mathematically.   However, for the student who is proficient in calculus, this text is relatively easy to follow.   Each chapter has worked problems that provide insight into the concepts; the diagrams/pictures are excellent and there are end-of-chapter problems and most importantly there are answers to most of the end-of-chapter problems at the end of the textbook.


    Introduction to Nuclear Physics - 2nd Edition by   W. Cottingham and D. Greenwood       This introductory textbook in this specialized branch of physics has many features that make it an outstanding textbook and student resource.   The textbook begins by explaining all the elementary particles and the units of mass and energies used in nuclear physics.   Then the textbook moves onto teach nuclear masses; nuclear sizes; nuclear models; Ground-State properties of nuclei; nuclear fission processes; power from nuclear fission; nucear fusion; nucleo-synthesis in stars and much more.   Each chapter has a set of end-of-chapter problems and answers to ALL end-of-chapter exercises are at the end of the book


    Atomic Physics - c 2005 by   Christopher Foot       This textbook, published by Oxford University Press in England has been written for an undergraduate course in atomic physics.   This is an exceptionally well written textbook with mathematical derivations that are relatively easy to follow.   The diagrams throughout the textbook are excellent. The author begins by providing insight into early atomic physics including the Einstein A and B coefficients and the observation of the Zeeman effect.   There are many energy level diagrams throughout the textbook that show allowed transitions; expecially useful for the student who wants to understand laser action in gases and crystals.   The author provides insight into well known experiments in atomic physics and there are novel topics included such as Laser Cooling / trapping and Laser Spectroscopy.   The textbook has end-of-chapter problems and there is a solutions manual for the textbook so that the student can check they have arrived at the correct answer.


    Topics in Atomic Physics - c 2006 by   Charles Burkhardt and Jacob Leventhal       This textbook teaches Atomic Physics in mathematical detail.   There are many proofs and derivations that are difficult to find in other texts.   It is an excellent textbook for students who will be researching specialized brances of Science and Engineering that uss Atomic Physics.   There are about 80 end-of-chapter problems with all answers given at the end of the book.   The typeset used for the book is excellent .....and the derivations are clear and easy to follow



    Introduction to Optics- 3rd Edition by   Pedrotti and Pedrotti       This is a widely used textbook that provides a comprehensive teaching of both Geometrical and Wave optics.   This textbook is especially useful for the student who wants to gain an understanding of the design of optical components; the major aspect of this textbook that makes it very useful are the end-of-chapter problems which are very practical for the student to gain insight into the design and use of optical components.   All the formula used in the textbook are first derived.   The textbook asumes that the student is proficient in calculus as most of the formula are derived by calculus.   Each chapter has worked problems and also there are a large number of end-of-chapter problems with answers to ALL end-of-chapter problems given at the end of the textbook.


    Elements of Photonics Volume 2 by   Keigo IIzuka       This textbook Elements of Photonics Volume 2 published in 2002 provides a discussion of the basics of Optical Fibers; Communication by Optical Fibers; the principles of Lasers including Solid-State Lasers; Chemical Lasers; Semiconducor Lasers and more.   Each chapter has a selection of end-of-chpater problems and there are worked solutions to ALL these problems at the end of the textbook.   The textbook teaches by detailed analysis Optical-waveguides; Light-detecting devices (PIN Photo-diodes); Solid-State and Semiconductor lasers; Fiber-Optical Communications and more.   One unique aspect of this textbook os how the author derives all the equations; the derivations are clear and easy to follow.   Excellent diagrams appear throughout the textbook.   The author assumes that the reader is proficient in calculus


    Photonics and Lasers by   Richard Quimby       This would be one of the best textbooks written on this subject of Photonics and Lasers;   The concepts are excellently explained and the diagrams are excellent.   Also, the author provides in-depth analysis of how to design various photonic devices.   Each chapter contains several problems with worked solutions that demonstrate the concepts.   The author derives all equations he uses and his derivations are clear and easy to follow.   The author assumes a knowledge of magnetism and Modern Physics and that the student is proficient in differential and integral calculus.   There is however one negative issue with this textbook;   The author has included a large set of end-of-chapter problems for each of the chapters but answers are NOT included anywhere in the textbook.   There is a lecturers Manual that accompanies this textbook that has answers to all the end-of-chapter problems.   If I'm able to get a copy then I'll add it below


    Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications - 2nd Edition by   K. Thyagarajan and Ajoy Ghatak       This book was first published in 1981 as Lasers; Theory and Applications and this revised edition was published in 2010   This edition is now a 'Textbook' containing both the theory behind the operation of the Laser and detailed descriptions of significant applications of Lasers.   This textbook contains many fundamental derivations intrinsic to lasers and these derivations are explained in a clear and concise manner.   The textbook begins by teaching wave-optics; diffraction; interference; The Schrodinger equation; The Einstein coefficients; The Threshold condition and more.   At the end of the textbook there are copies of Nobel lectures given by the Pioneers of the laser.   Each chapter ends with a set of problems.....but NO answers are given.   This is however and exceptional book because of the clarity of the many derivations


    Electro-Optics Handbook 2nd Edition by   Ronald Waynant and Marwood Ediger       This "Electro-Optics" Handbook ( first published in 1994 and this second edition published in 2000 ) is a reference book consisting of 29 chapters; Each Chapter is an "Introductory" artice on a specialized branch of electro-Optics written by experts in the specialized branch.   Each chapter provides a detailed analysis with diagrams, graphs, and references.   A few of the chapters give the materials and teach the basics of design of electro-optical systems and devices.   The Handbaook begins with several chapters on different types of gas and solid-state lasers and then onto Semiconductor lasers; Free-electron Lasers; Ultra-Short Laser Pules; Optical Fibers; Phase-Conjugation ; Detectors; Holography; Laser-Spectroscopy and more



    Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis by   William Carrthers and Iain Coldham       This is a widely used textbook that shows many of the reactions used in Organic Chemistry.   The vast number of Organic Reactions cannot be covered in a textbook so the authors have used a criteria to select reactions to show.   As a textbook it is very valuable in the way the authors provide insight into the many Organic reactions they've shown.   Also this textbook has end-of-chapter problems and answers to all of the end-of-chpater problems are given at the end of the textbook


    Introduction to Spectroscopy by   Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Vyvyan       This widely used textbook begins by explaining the basic principles of infrared spectroscopy and also explains wavenumbers and then moves onto to teach the basic concepts of NMR spectroscopy and then onto specialized topics in NMR spectroscopy.   The diagrams and spectrum charts throughout the textbook are excellent and the book is written clearly and concisely.   Each chapter has a set of end-of-chapter problems and answers to the problems are at the end of the book.


    Heterocyclic Chemistry by   John A Joule and Keith Mills       This is an excellent textbook and reference book that provides a comprehensive coverage of this specialized branch of organic chemistry.   It has number of features for which it is an excellent student resource and reference book;   The authors provide insight into a huge number of reacions involving heterocyclic compounds and the text also contains over 4000 references including many references to original work.   Each chapter ends with a number of exercises; there are no answers given in the book.....however a pdf with the end-of-chapter answers is provided below



        Graduate Resources in Applied Physics and Chemistry

Resources for Graduate Students in Applied Physics and Chemistry can be obtained from the SPIE . The e-books and research-letters published by the SPIE are NOT free.   They can be obtained by purchasing them from the SPIE Bookstore in the United States   The link to the SPE Bookstore is embedded in the picture below.