Intelligent Design or Evolution ?

"......Your Scientists whom have elaborated theories of evolution are not completely wrong in saying that humanity is descended from the monkey and the monkey from the fish and so on. In truth, the first living organism created on earth was unicellular, which then gave rise to more complex life forms.... but this did not happen by chance ! When we came to earth to create life, we started by making very simple creations and then improved our techniques of environmental adaptation....."-From the Message Given by Extraterrestrials as Transcribed by RAEL in 1973



Here are two video clips....each one conveys a different explanation to the mystery of life on earth...It is for you out there in cyberspace to decide which of the video clips is a laudable explanation....and which one is crazy ................. you decide for yourself

This Book of Life for Innovators in Biochemistry is for these Scientists who have made contributions of major significance towards this area Science.   At this present time there is NOT a webpage that provides a list of these Scientists:   So this book cannot be opened yet