This Raelian Website which explores links between - Science and Jewish Theology - has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

Post an 'ESSENTIAL' AND/OR Create a 'Book of Life'

Create a Book of Life for an Institution or Principality

"......and I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.   Then another book was opened, which is the BOOK of LIFE.   (The) Dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.   ( Book of Revelation Ch 20 ; vs 10 )

      You can create a BOOK of LIFE for your Institution or Principality.   It's of relevance to note that in the Book of Revelation, there is a reference to the first resurrection which appears to refer to human beings, seated on thrones, who have been granted a 2nd life;   these are people whom once lived on Earth, and they have been 'scientifically-recreated' on the planet of the Elohim.   The Book of Revelation makes it clear that this BOOK of LIFE for the first resurrection applied to all nations and peoples.   (Revelation Ch 13 : vs 8 )   The proposed blueprint shown here on this webpage for our civilizations own BOOKS of LIFE will, ofcourse, be for the 2nd resurrection.   These Books are of 3 different types:   If your creating a BOOK of LIFE then each of the 3 different types of books is now explained:

      Firstly you need to download a copy of a book cover (shown below; right click onto 'save image as' ) and then you need to design the front cover of the book.   Select the brown book cover for an Institution     This Book is of 2 different types:   One Book is for 2nd life Nominees and the other book is for 2nd life Inductees   You need to decide which book to choose for your Institution.   If you are uncertain then choose 2nd life Nominees       Inductees are a more stronger recommendation for a 2nd life.     If you decide to choose "2nd life Inductees" for your Book then there should be a selection criteria in place for candidates to pass through.   ........otherwise Raelian Guides might NOT accept it as a valid Book of Life     Use Microsoft Palatino-Linotype for the white font   (Microsoft-Edit-Tool)

      Select the blue book cover for a Principality     Entries into this book are always 2nd life Candidates   The title of your book should read as follows:   Book of Life for the Principality of ______________   (translate into your own language if neccessary )   Use Microsoft Palatino-Linotype for the white font (Microsoft-Edit-Tool)  The Book for your Principality will need to be arranged into two sections and several chapters for each section.

  The first section of the Book for your Principality will consist of about 5 or 6 chapters.   This section is : Candidates for College of Electors for your principality.   The other section is for 2nd Life Candidates for your principality.   If this Book of Life is adopted for your principality then ONLY the College of Electors can elect a representative for the principality and this representative can only come from within the College of Electors   This is a Selective Democracy and the basis for this is explained in the book La Geniocratie written by the prophet RAEL and published in 1977.   Thus, all the representitives that then form the Government of a nation would come from all the Books within each principality ......but ONLY coming from this 1st section of all the nations principality books.   The so formed Government is then the College of Geniuses which is explained in the section titled Geniocracy and Collegiality in the 1st chapter of La Geniocratie   The example for this election from a College of Electors (( which is the principalities intelligensia )) as explained here is different to that which RAEL proposes in his book La Geniocratie

      Note that the leaders of a "PRINCIPALITY" cannot be entered into this Book of Life.   Instead, these citizens are entered into the Leaders of Nations and Principalities Book of Life that's shown on the following webpage;

            Comments and Discussions

      An example to follow for the contents of a Book of Life for your principality is shown below, and the entries in the first section would be consistant with that communicated in the 1st message of 1973 transcribed by the prophet RAEL chapter titled: THE NEW COMMANDMENTS


      The above is ofcourse, only an example.   The actual groups of citizens whom would be given a chapter in your nations principality books would need to be agreed upon and none of us mortals know how this will be agreed upon   A possible scenario is the the chapters would be decided by the people within your nation whom are already in their 2nd life.

      (( A note about Principalities: These are the adminstrative regions within a Nation that have a representitive.   Using France as an example:   France has 102 departements that each have a Prefect.   In which case the Prefect is the Prince and the departement is the Principality ))

      Secondly There must be a website for your Institution or Principality. On this website there should be a banner that EITHER acknowledges The Elohim as the creators of the human race, OR ackowledges their prophet.   The banner should be in their language which is very old Hebrew.   There will be Banners made that you can choose from and these banners will be posted on this the space below

      Thirdly You need to send your Book of Life using the email link on the 'about' page.   You will need to provide the link to be embedded into your book.   Raelian Guides will then determine if your Book of Life fits the criteria given in the 2nd message of 1975 or the prophets own writings.   If it passes the test then your Book of Life will be displayed at the bottom of the following webpage;

                'ESSENTIALS' : webpage version-2
