This Raelian website which explores links between Science and theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL

The ESSENTIALS: Spread of the worlds 5 major religions

      This International best-seller is a re-titled English edition of the original first two books transcribed by RAEL;"Le Livre Qui Dit La Verite"; "The Book which Tells the Truth" - which first appeared in France in 1974 and "Les Extraterrestres M'ont Emmene sur Leur Planete"- "Extra-Terrestrials took me to their Planet"- which appeared in 1975. Both books are combined into one book. This book contains the message dictated to RAEL by a member of the "Elohim" and amongst the message is the request for their Embassy on Earth. Through the pages of the message one can have an experience of the Scientist who directed the creation of life on Earth and who now speaks to us in his own unique manner. This book is now combined with a third book by RAEL and has the title "INTELLIGENT DESIGN"
Question; Why is it important to read this Book ?         Answer;  This Transcribed Message conveys a revelation about the origin and destiny of our Human Civilization. Until our humanity is awakened to this revelation, public discussion on matters of religion, and this most intriguing mystery of our times, will continue on an uninformed basis.

"Becoming a Critical Thinker - A Guide for the New Millennium is intended as a text for a course in introductory logic or critical thinking. As we enter a new millennium, a kind of madness in the media and the marketplace caters to our uncritical desire for more exciting and mysterious entertainment. The need for critical thinking skills has never been greater, as the power of the mass media to influence us has never been greater. Our television programs get wilder in their speculations and claims that most scientists would scoff at. Scientific illiteracy grows despite compulsory education and much advancement in Science......" excerpt from the preface of the book by Robert T. Carroll June 1999


The quote above is from Yes to Human Cloning" Chapter titled "ELOHIMIZATION" ( by RAEL)


Books of Life : Institutions and Principalities

Resurrection of the Dead (Hebrew techiyyat hametim) In the age of the MESSIAH the dead will rise from their graves and come back to life to be judged on the DAY of JUDGEMENT.   The resurrection will be brought about by Eliijah who will blow the shofar on the Mount of Olives summoning the dead to arise.   DEW, made of the light which was present at the time of creation, but has been hidden away ever since, will be used as the revivifying agent.   Even those whose bodies have been decomposed will be reconstructed from the LUZ bone in their spine, which is indestructable.   The resurrection will take place in the land of Israel, after the INGATHERING of the EXILES from the CEMETERIES of the diasppora.   Maimonides included the belief of the resurrection as one of his thirteen ARTICLES of FAITH, and those who deny the resurrection of the Dead will NOT come back to life nor will they have a portion in OLAM HABA ( World to Come )   In a morning prayer said on 'awakening' the resurrection is compared to the return of the soul to the dead and unconscious body after sleep.   The state of the post resurrection world is a kind of ultimate Sabbath of which the weekly Shabbat is merely a reflection...... "--- excerpt from 'Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend' researched and written by Alan Unterman © 1991 Thames and Hudson Ltd London ; ISBN : 0-500-27984-5

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