This Raelian Website which explores links between Science and Jewish Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

Mind-Body Awakening

"...................Nevertheless, do not eat too much meat, and you will feel better for it. You may live on all that the land provides. You do not have to follow a special diet; you may eat meat, vegetables, fruits and other plants. But it is foolish to follow a vegetarian diet under the pretext that you do not want to live on the meat of other living creatures. Plants are alive just as you are, and suffer in the same way that you do................"

".............Do not intoxicate yourself with alcholic beverages. You may drink a little wine while eating, for it is a product of the earth. But never intoxicate yourself"..........both excerpts are from THE KEYS section in the sub-section titled Society and Government as transcribed in 1975 by RAEL in INTELLIGENT DESIGN (( The Message Given by Extra-Terrestrials ))

Medical Specialist Dr Steven Gundry interviewed by Tom Bilyeu on HEALTH THEORY"

In this interview, an American Medical Specialist; Dr Steven Gundry talks about the cause of "Leaky Gut Syndrome" which he explains is caused by "Lectins".....and the explaination is that "Lectins" tear holes in the lining of the intestine......then harmful bacteria can get through these holes into the human body. This Medical Specialist espouses a theory that "leaky-gut-syndrome" could be the cause of many human illnesses in the world today : internal diseases and conditions such as dementia. Dr Steven Gundry discovered that Lectins cause leaky-gut-syndrome which could be a significant discovery in medical science.

            All about lectins ; Here is what you need to know.....
Article on plant Lectins / toxins published on Dr Kiltz

In the scroll below, the reaction of the preservative 'Sodium Nitrite' is explained. This reaction has been well known by chemists since the early 1990's and maybe before then. And yet, as of 2022, this preservative is still allowed to be added into foods by most countries. This preservative is mainly used in preserved pig-meat, salami and in smoked fish. It is neccessary that the science is explained because the companies whom use this preservative in their foods will dispute any suggestion that this preservative is a danger inside the human body. Actually, it is a very dangerous food preservative. For this reason the science is explained;


    How Nutrition Works by Kristine Napier by   Kristine Napier     How nutrition works is groundbreaking look at the way nutrients in food work to promote better health and fight disease.   Vividly written and enchantingly illustrated, this book provides a practical and timely perspective on important topics such as;   why you should eat foods high in antioxidant nutrients, and why supplements don't work as well;   How to balance different types of fat without gaining weight.   Throughout How nutrition Works colourful, informative drawings make complex subjects accessible.   Wether concerned about healthy eating or merely curious to know what all the fuss is about, you'll marvel at this fact-packed look at nutrients and their many effects on the human body.   (( this intro copied from that back cover of the book ))

    An additional note about this book;   When a car , truck or other type of utility is supplied, the utility comes with an owners manual ....(in most cases)  .... in the case of an automobile the owners manual provides many important instructions to ensure the smooth running of the automobile; the type of petrol to use; the type of engine oil to use.   And so it is with the human body.   It's taken centuries of scientific progress to develop an owners manual for the human body and in this sense this book is special;   This is the owners manual for the human body; a utility that every human being walking the planet owns



              Junk foods that have high amounts of bad cholesterol and MUST be avoided

2016 Noble Prize in Medicine : Japanese Scientist shows how the human body is cleansed during fasting   The link to the article on the Nobel Prize website is embedded into the picture below

This Book of Life for Medical Scientists is for these Scientists who have made contributions of major significance towards Medical Science.   At this present time there is NOT a webpage that provides a list of these Scientists:   So this book cannot be opened yet


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