This Raelian website which explores links between science and theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL

'Evidence Page   2'

Section_2a; crop-circles symbolizing mathematical and technological innovations

Section_2b; crop-circles containing coded messages.

Section_3a; crop-circles possesing theological significance

Section_3b; Search for the divine artifacts

Section_4a; crop-circles displaying fractal geometry

Section_4b; crop-circles that are extraordinary or displaying an esoteric meaning

9/14/2014 : Shocked Astronomer Videos ALIEN UFO on the Moon


Some intricate crop-circles discovered in wheat fields in England before 2011

This 3-Dimensional crop-circle (above and below) appeared at Clay Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire in July 2010. The people standing within , indicate it's huge size


Puzzles and Crop-Circles displaying enigmas

As you can see, this old stone clock is shown numbered in terms of mathematical operations involving the number 9. ...actually three 9's. The mathematical operation for the number 11 is missing. See if you can work out the mathematical operation for the number 11 using three 9's ......using no more than three 9's.... and no less.   (Answer is on evidencepage_4)


As you can see, the numbers on this stone clock are comprised of equations involving the number 4....actually ....four 4's There is one equation missing; this is the equation for the number 10. See if you can work out the equation for the number 10 using four 4's... more than four 4's....and no less   (Answer is on evidencepage_4)


The Film ; CROP-CIRCLES - Quest for Truth" © 2002 - produced and directed by William Gazecki - has a segment which shows the position of an underground reservior underneath a stretch of the English countryside where upon clusters of crop-circles have been discovered. A theory is given. This segment of the film is approximately 18 minutes into the film and runs for the next 90 seconds.   This film has been uploaded to youtube. The Link is embedded into the picture below.


Crop Circles containing 'Coded Messages'

Crabwood; August 2002
Winchester; June 2014

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Latest UFO Sightings

Crop-Circle Photo Library (Lucy Pringle)

CUFOS:(J. Allen Hynek Centre for UFO studies)

Citizen Hearing

MUFON ( Mutual UFO Network )

UFO reference Source; UFO pages (USI)

Crop-Circle Secrets (website of Researcher Freddy Silva)

Findland's Centre for Circles Information (FCCI) Website

International Coalition for Extra-Terrestrial Research


Crop-Circles UFOs Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations (Facebook page)

Crop Circles from the Air (Facebook page)