VIDEOS; Cyborgs and other Robotic Technologies in the 21st Millennium

Beyound the Cyborg revolution explores possibilities in Robotics; in replacing Human Organs with parts fabricated using advanced materials science; Duration of video clip is approximately 9 minutes


TED-x talk Boston 2012;   Andrew McAfee (MIT Sloan School of Management) talks about the paradigm shift taking place of Robotics replacing jobs done by humans;


Video showing the possibilities in wearable technologies


      The Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence Explained : New Technologies : Robotics

This video published on youtube in March 2023 provides insight into developments in Artifical Intelligence as of this present time (the year: 2023)

Leading institutions are preparing robot rovers and flying drones to navigate through unmapped territories, in order to save lives in bold Search and Rescue missions. By ‘mapping as they go’, these thinking machines generate their own intelligence—allowing them to self-navigate without human input. Additionally, some technologists are coordinating swarms of drones to operate and collaborate together—all with the explicit ambition of improving the efficiency of farming and increasing food production.

Though the news media often reports on how machines could cause unemployment, that’s not what AI inventors in this program are saying. In fact, their AI-driven robots are using machine-learning to work better with humans. Through observation, AI robots are learning to anticipate the actions of human co-workers, keeping people safer in the workplace – and making it more productive.

Some scientists in this show are even developing AI robots that are achieving the beginnings of robotic consciousness. By comprehending their own self-image, they are able to learn about their environment, make decisions, and navigate the space around them – just as human babies do. Other engineers are taking this technology even further to develop real-world Androids – that is, robots that look, feel, and act like people.

In this video; the Scientists whom are developing this technology explain the technology.   Duration of video ; 49 minutes       File size ; 266 MBytes

      The Worlds Best Stunt Robots in the Year 2023 /77R

This video explores cutting edge Robotic technology in the year 2023.....robost that are able to walk in many types of difficult terrain and also do manual work. Robots with voice recognition technology and voice synthesis technology....and of most intriquing are humanoid robots programmed to perform stunts in mid-air