This Raelian website which explores links between Science and Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL
Section_2a; crop-circles symbolizing mathematical and technological innovations
Section_2b; crop-circles containing coded messages.
Section_3a; crop-circles possesing theological significance
Section_3b; Search for the divine artifacts
Section_4a; crop-circles displaying fractal geometry
Section_4b; crop-circles that are extraordinary or displaying an esoteric meaning
This crop-circle design below showing the Yin-Yang symbol was discovered on a Wheat Field in Somerset England on the 7th Day of the 7th month in 2007
Ark of the Covenant ( Hebrew: aron ha-berit ) A box-like container of wood overlaid with gold, which was kept behind a veil in the Holy of Holies of the desert TABARNACLE and then in the TEMPLE of Jerusalem (EXODUS 25) On top of the Ark were 2 golden angels, known as 'cherubim' and inside were the TWO TABLETS OF THE DECALOGUE. The Ark miraculously occupied no space in the Holy of Holies, even though it's physical measurements are given in the Bible. When it journeyed before the Israelites in the wilderness, it carried it's LEVITE bearers along. It also leveled mountains so that people could travel without hindrence, and destroyed any snakes and scorpions in their path. The Philistines captured the Ark, but found that it caused the idol they worshipped to collapse and bought them disease and misfortune. (1 Sam 5) When they returned it; the cattle pulling the cart it was on sang as they made their own way home. At the end of the first Temple period, the Ark was hidden away by Joshua so as not to be captured by the Babylonians, and it will only reappear when the Messiah comes ----(( excerpt from 'Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend' researched and written by Alan Unterman © 1991 Thames and Hudson Ltd London ; ISBN : 0-500-27984-5
L'Arche d'Alliance était un récepteur radio
L'Arche d'Alliance était un récepteur radio Dans ce segment vidéo de 7 minutes, le guide raëlien Ariel Leon Mellul parle de l'Arche d'Alliance et du véritable but de son utilisation dans les anciens temps........
Le lien vers la vidéo est intégré dans l'image ci-dessous. Le lien vers la vidéo complète d'une heure et demie est placé sous l'image ci-dessous
The purpose of the design below is to suggest to our fathers from space a design formation that will enable us people here on Earth to locate the "Ark of the Covenant" : an artifact that has great theological significance. Should a crop-circle formation appear similar to this suggested design (below) we will know how to interpret it. Providing we know the landmark at the centre.
Problem:   From an initial look at this proposal (above) it can be seen that there's a problem: How would a laser-range-finder be attached ontop the the Dome at the centre of the Dome ?   This would be difficult but even if the instrument could in some way be attached, then this would require a permission and it's improbable that such a permission would be given
Solution:   'offset-distance'   This problem could be solved by factoring in an offset-distance: The laser-range-finder would be set-up on the grounds of the temple mount such that the axis of the range-angle passes through the centre of the Dome.   The distance between the instrument and the centre of the Dome would be the offset-distance : This distance is then deducted from the laser-range distance.   (( At where ever the laser-range distance terminates; the offset-distance is deducted at this point ))
Crop-Circles UFOs Ancient Mysteries-Scientific Speculations (Facebook page)