This Raelian Website which explores links between Science and Jewish Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

The Maslow Triangle: The Science of Spirituality and the Honorary Guides

"....... No , because we provide them numerous activities. The individual's true value is recognized and everyone wants to show that they have worth. Whether this be in art, in science or in sports, each person wants to shine in order to become an eternal or simply to be........ "   excerpt from : Le Livre Qui Dit La Verite -the first book of 'The Message Given By Extra-Terrestrials' as transcribed by RAEL in 1973

Personality and Spirituality; The Maslow Triangle

The 2 Audio files available for download (Below) provide a description and brief analysis of each of the 9 people around the Enneagram. Read by the Author, the late Don Richard Riso. To open each Audio File simply click onto the picture below.......and it will automatically start playing. To download this audio file to your computer ; right click onto the play button and select "save audio as" (depending on which browser your using, this option might be worded differently)

This Book of Life for the Honorary Guides of Humanity are 2nd life "nominees"....however, this book can be opened

In this video, the brilliant iconoclast maverick spiritual teacher OSHO tells his followers ; "Be aware if you reach the gates of heaven ......refuse......Don't enter in .....ask for the way to the other place ......." ".....Go to the other place...."

This Book of Life for the Fraternal Brotherhood is for the TRUE peacemakers and spiritual teachers whom impart wisdom and bring many nationalities of people together for an experience of inner peace and tranquility.   There is not, as yet, a website that lists these peacemakers and spiritual teachers (past and present)   So this book cannot be opened yet.