This Raelian website which explores links between science and theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL

'       Flying Disc filmed in Miraflores, Peru ; 10/Feb/2015 : exact time of a Raelian Information Session in Peru'
      As reported in the on 12th February 2015: text from the copied and pasted below:

On Feb 10 a mysterious purple flying disk shaped UFO was captured on film by a television production team working at a high rise building in the affluent Lima suburb of Miraflores, Peru. Peru This Week reports that the filming occurred during taping of a program called Alto al Crimen (Stop Crime) that is hosted by a Peruvian Congressman, Renzo Reggiardo which is an investigative program aimed at preventing high level crime. In the film footage, Reggiardo is seen being interrupted as members of the film crew notice the strange flying disk floating near a high rise construction project approximately 100 meters away, and at an approximate height of 200-300 meters. The production team records the UFO as well as the reaction of Reggiardo and others from the film crew who tape the incident on their cell phones. The UFO was witnessed by hundreds of others and uploaded to Youtube on Feb 11 by Eduardo Chávez Guerra a producer of Alto al Crimen.

Adding more mystery to the UFO sighting is a PR Newswire released today claiming that the UFO is related to an initiative currently underway by the Raelian movement to persuade the Peruvian government to build an Extraterrestrial Embassy. The Newswire quotes Erich Rever of the Peruvian Raelian Movement who claims:

"... This UFO appeared right when we held a press conference to present our embassy project plan, which we have submitted to the Peruvian Government. Peru must be dear to our extraterrestrial creators, who lived here in ancient times and left many traces, so we're asking the Government for permission to build the embassy here. It's a wonderful opportunity for Peruvians to understand their past and, more importantly, to consider receiving our creators, the Elohim, who were taken for gods by our ancestors and now ask to be welcomed back. We're hoping the Peruvian Government will receive their request loud and clear!"

It’s unlikely that the video is a hoax due to the participation of Congressman Reggiardo especially since he was filming an episode of a program aimed at stopping high level crime. Furthermore, the length of the sighting, nearly two hours, suggests that it’s not a drone, as confirmed by Eduardo Chavez, the producer, who is also a drone expert. Luckily, the Peruvian Air Force launched a specialized department on Oct 18, 2013, to study the UFO phenomenon. The Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon Research Department is located at the offices of the “Dirección Nacional de Intereses Aero Espaciales” of the Peruvian Air Force. It can be expected that the Peruvian Air Force will begin a formal investigation. The length of the sighting and the credentials of Reggiardo and his film crew suggests that the purple flying disk is an authentic unidentified object captured by a major news organization while working on an unrelated television project. The PRNewswire raises the possibility that purple flying disk is related to an extraterrestrial race that wants to show its support for members of the Raelian movement asking the Peruvian government to authorize an alien Embassy in the capital city Lima.

Peru's ancient mysteries such as the Nazca lines, and rich history of UFO sightings does make it a viable candidate for an extraterrestrial civilization wanting to establish diplomatic relations with Earth governments.   source :