This Raelian website which explores links between science and theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL

Independant Researchers provide Testimony and Insights

This website would not be complete without featuring testimony from independant this one webpage will feature these researchers ( although adding some humour ofcourse )   Especially relevant are these researchers whom are making a unique contribution.   I refer to them as independant researchers because they are NOT funded by any Government Agency

This 1st independant researcher is Dr Steven Greer who has been well known since the 1990's and through to 2020 and beyond.   From the perspective of a Raelian: it appears that our Fathers from Space are having fun playing a game with this guy and his followers.

In this interview (link embedded into the picture) this Independant Researcher Dr Steven Greer is giving testimony to talk show host Billy Carson.   In this interview Dr Steven Greer explains some extraordinary events and his testimony is credible because he was with a group of people at the time of the events he is describing......and thus, all the people in the group could provide the testimony of what was seen and experienced (if required).   Researcher Dr Steven provides some clarification as to the confusion that has been created by the US military complex ......and his clarification is relevant for those seeking some truth.   For this reason , this video is selected for this webpage.

  Duration of this video: 13 minutes

One postive aspect to note; is that there has been misinformation spread on this topic and the misinformation serves the purpose of hiding the truth behind a cloud of confusion. Dr Steven provides some rationale as to how the confusion pollutes the serious investigations and for this and other reasons Dr Steven makes an important contribution

There is however a negative aspect to note: Independant Researcher Dr Steven has been crossing a line in his interviews by giving his audience the impression that he's speaking on behalf of our Fathers from Space in that he has been promulgating what their intentions are.   In other words, he is setting himself up to be a Self-Appointed-Ambassador for his Space Aliens   This puts himself in direct conflict with the prophet RAEL because only a prophet can speak on their behalf.

Independant Researcher Dr Steven claims to have developed an electronic-tool ( the CE5 App ) to enable his fans to make contact with our Fathers from Space   As a Raelian I will make no comment on this......   but instead, I place below a comment posted on the facebook page of one his followers.


To keep this webpage balanced, I will add, intermittently, a quote from the prophet


