


      Structure Members;   You can, if you wish, contribute a webpage to this website.......either to be added into   The ESSENTIALS   OR to be added into the   Website Evidence Page 4   ( in which case there would be a link embedded into your picture)   OR to be added into the End Times Videos ( in which case a link could be inserted into this webpage)   I have a 4-part formula for this website: If you can contribute a webpage to this website then your webpage MUST follow my part formula given below:

4-part formula for the website

1st part ; If possible, endeavor to communicate a connection between Science and Theology;   either Christian-Theology OR Islamic-Theology OR Jewish-Theology :   keep in mind that of special importance to this website is Jewish Theology

2nd part ; Your webpage must contribute towards making the website very useful :   For example: I'm continually adding links to many useful news-websites in many different areas; World-News : Technology-News: Medical-Science-News....there are hundreds of links......and I also have links to EVERY Raelian website.....these links are on the Planet News webpage.   So, if possible, your webpage needs to include links to relevant websites ( the link is shown as a picture inside a little scroll )   but ONLY credibile websites

3rd part; The design of your webpage must be such that you use writings and pictures to awaken the human mind ...... especially a writing that communicates an idea behind it ..........the writings can be your own ..... OR writings that belong to other authors (( all authors MUST be acknowledged ))...... The writing, either your own or another authors must be excellent English Prose..... I am tough judge when it comes to English-prose   I try to select English-prose that will entertain the English speakers mind

4th part; If your webpage provides evidences then these evidences must give credibility to the messages transcibed by RAEL in 1973 and 1975 and provide commentaries on these evidences........you need to explain the reason that these evidences are of special significance, and it's of significance that our Fathers from Space are providing critical pieces of evidences so I endeavor to use these in a way to show the connections

      Keep in mind that this is a Science <---> Theology website.   Politics must stay off this website (unless it's in some way relevant the Elohim plan for their creation

Key Features that I stick to:

Key Features which I try to follow; (1) Webpages must open quickly and must not be cluttered with content....there will NOT be more then one video and one flash animation on a webpage (2) There has to be consistancy throughout the website especially in the presentation of the links (3) The website must be credible ; Only the most authentic videos are embedded and all the links given are only to credible websites (4) This website has to enable other Raelians the opportunity to diplay their own contributions inspired by the Transcribed Messages of 1973 and 1975

Versions of this website in French and other languages

It's possible for there to be versions of this website in French , Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Arabic. For the Versions of this website in these alternative languages ; The basic format will remain identical : Paper background with same Navigation Ribbon and the exact same Scroll-Header at the top of each webpage. However, there will need to be translations and there will be some differences; For example;

On the HOME page, of the French version the links will be to all important Science Websites in France and in French Colonies across the planet. The same for the PLANET NEWS webpage; Links will be to all important News Websites in France and French Colonies. The same for the INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH ...French Raelians will find their own interviews to display on this webpage

The WEBSITE EVIDENCE PAGES will remain the same but French Raelians will need to translate some of the text into French.

For The ESSENTIALS French Raelians will need to translate the scrolls into French .

For THE MAIN Links will be shown which are to important Institutions in France and in French Colonies. THE MAIN will show French Scientists and Engineers whom had made a significant contibution towards the advancement of humanity.

For the VIDEOS webpages; French Raelians will show music videos by French Musicians. The webpages that will initially need to be translated are the ABOUT page, and the MILESTONES webpage. The above will also apply to the Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Arabic Versions of this Website.