This Raelian Website which explores links between Science and Jewish Theology has been inspired by the writings of the prophet RAEL - Messenger of the Elohim.

The Messages Transcribed by RAEL in 1973 and 1975

Our planet with all it's ecology and biological life began as a gigantic laboratory experiment. This is one of the many claims in 'INTELLIGENT DESIGN' which contains the message dictated to French Journalist RAEL at the Puy de Lassolas crater near Clermont-Ferrand on 13th December 1973. All Biological life including us Human Beings were created by Scientists from an Ultra-Advanced civilization in another part of our Galaxy

With a perfect mastery of genetic engineering and using sophisticated DNA synthesis, the ELOHIM were able to create .."Man in their Image" .... and   ".....Every living thing that creepeth upon the face of the Earth.... Past prophets were representitives of this ultra advanced civilization and testimony to their guidance appears in many ancient writings including the Bible which is the world's oldest record of a close encounter between our primitive ancestors and an Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

Now in this predicted Age of Revelation, the Age of Science, when at last, the truth of our Extra-terrestrial origins can be understood, the ELOHIM have entrusted RAEL with the mission of propogating this radical revelation and of building their Embassy on Earth where they will officaly land

"INTELLIGENT DESIGN" which contains The Message transcribed by RAEL in English, and other books written by RAEL in English can be found by clicking onto the picture Below

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Why do they need an Embassy ?

There is at present no way that an Extra-Terrestrial race can enter into contact with humanity without breaking local and international laws. Also the political kudos obtained by the host country from such an important prescence might unfairly be perceived by the world community as tacit approval of that country

Without an Embassy, as well as the neutrality of airspace above it, the chances of successful beneficial contact will reduce to nil

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