Offical Request     November 1993

Video of Rael speaking to the People of Israel

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November 18th 1993; Third offical request for land in the State of Israel upon which to build the Embassy of the Elohim is handed to Israel's Prime Minister, the late Ytzak Rabin; at the national Montreal Jewish Convention.

December 9th 1993; The Prime Minister replies through his office that he will not accede to the request.

In this video ( link to embedded in picture below ) Raelian Guide Ariel Leon Mellul provides a synopsis of the Messages transcribed by the prophet RAEL and conveys the significance and true meaning of the 1st message transcribed in December 1973.     In this talk, given in a live conference on the 23rd Janaury 2022, Leon shows versus from the ancient scriptures of the TANAKH and conveys precise translations from the Hebrew text into English

This talk will be of interest to Theologians, especially that Leon explains how these versus from the original Hebrew texts can be seen in the context of the messages transcribed by the prophet RAEL.     Leon explains why it is that these original Hebrew texts are powerful evidences that the 'Elohim' are several beings.....and most probably advanced beings of the humanoid type. Duration of video;1 hour 27 minutes. and published on youtube on the 2nd February 2022.

Note that: The link embedded into the picture below is to the presentation given by Raelian Guide LEON on the 23rd Febrary 2022 in English. (Video published on youtube). Also, the link embedded into the French Text is to the same presentation given by Raelian Guide Leon, but in French   The link embedded into the English Text that's below the French Text is a presentation given by Raelian Guides Leon and Daniel with introductions in Hebrew and English

Blueprints for 3rd Temple revealed by Real Jews - 18 Sept 2022 / 77 A.H.

Elohim Embassy Project Presentation: April 2022

Temple (Hebrew bet ha-mikdash) central building of the sacrificial cult situated in Jerusalem and looked after by the priests of LEVITES.   The first temple was built by Solomon to replace the Tabarnacle, using angels and demons as his builders and hewing out the stone with the help of 'SHAMIR', a rock breaking worm.   Solomon also planted Gold-bearing trees in the courtyard.   The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians as a divine punishment for the sins of bloodshed, sexual immorality and idolatry commited by the people.   (Jeremiah) It was rebuilt by EZRA after the Babylonian Captivity. The second temple was destroyed by the Romans but this time for the sin of causeless hatred which was rampant amongst the Jews.   The Rabbi's drew the lesson from that causeless hatred was to be regarded as an unmitigated evil.   The temple mount was known as Mount Moriah   Inside the temple in the Holy of Holies, was the foundation stone of the world, and even shetiyyah, and the Ark of the Covenant rested on it.   Cherubim were woven onto the curtain before the Holy of Holies and carved onto the temple doors.   Jews should tear their garments when they see the place of the temple for the first time or after an interval of thirty days.....   and as a memorial to the destruction of the Temple, a patch of wall should be left undecorated in the home.   The Jewish year has a period of THREE WEEKS OF MOURNING preceding the fast of the ninth of Av which recalls the destruction of both Temples.   The Third Temple will descend ready made from heaven in the Messianic era.   ----(( excerpt from 'Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend' researched and written by Alan Unterman © 1991 Thames and Hudson Ltd London ; ISBN : 0-500-27984-5

In this video presentation ( link embedded into the picture below ) the Timeline and Architectural Blueprint for the Elohim Embassy project is presented by three Raelian brothers. The Brother who is the Project Director explains the reason that the Embassy is needed and issues related diplomatic protocols and the welcoming. The Brother who is responsible for the overall project planning provides and overview of the processes involved in the design and construction and also the options to resolve the diplomatic issue. The Brother who is the Chief Architect for the Embassy project shows the blueprint for the interior design and he also delves into the history of these Embassies returning back in time to the 1st Temple; Solomon's Temple that was completed in 957 BCE

Duration of video 32 minutes