Israel-Judaism : Historical-Viewpoints : Peace Plan Proposed by RAEL in 2015


Torah ( Hebrew for teaching ) One of the central concepts of Judaism which may refer to the Jewish teaching of the Pentateuch or the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) or in the widest sense; the whole of the Jewish tradition.   Elohim study the Torah in Heaven where it is written in black fire upon white fire.   The Torah existed before the world came into existance and was used by Elohim as the blueprint and instrument of the creation.   The Patriachs kept the Torah before it was actually given out.   In the revelation to MOSES and the ISRAELITES at mount SINAI Elohim gave the Torah to man and had the ISRAELITES not accepted it, the world would have ceased to exist, since the creation was conditional on this happening.   The Torah given to man is masked in the form of stories and COMMANDMENTS   The inner meaning of the Torah ; it's 'soul' is only available to those who penetrate it's mystical symbolism.   Ultimately, a full revelation of the inner meaning of the Torah must wait the coming of the Messiah ----(( excerpt from 'Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend' researched and written by Alan Unterman © 1991 Thames and Hudson Ltd London ; ISBN : 0-500-27984-5 ((note :   this excerpt has been edited for clarity ))

On the question of;   “What is the meaning of Judaism”

The following 8 minute video segment has been cut out of a 1 hour video posted on youtube on June 12th 2015. In this video segment Ulta-Orthodox Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro speaks on the question of what it means to be a Jew and the meaning of Judaism. This discussion with Honorary Guide & Philosopher Gilad Atzmon is added here on this webpage because of that which was expressed by Yaweh, in his message telepathically communicated to the prophet RAEL in April 2009 and August 2015

In his message of the   12th April 2009   and also in his message of   6th August 2015   Yaweh, on behalf of the Governing Council of Eternals expresses profound disappointment. Especially is the following sentiment from the message of the 12th April 2009 that would appear to be very significant: “....... a state that, you, as the chosen people, had been mandated with guiding towards more love, non violence, tolerance and consciousness. You have totally betrayed your spiritual mission, the only one that justified your return to the land of IsRael........”   I recommend this video segment for this reason;   this Rabbi is a Jewish Scholar and he explains what Judaism is and how one can convert to Judaism.....and he also explains a definition of Jewishness that has been held by practicing Jews for thousands of years. Duration of this cut-out video segment is 8 minutes and file size is 52 Mbytes --- Raelian Jeffrey Belicofski     June 2015

This 10 minute video documentary, below, gives a detailed yet succint history of the Israel Palestine Conflict from 1900 to Today (2016). This documentary explains the history without giving justifications to either side

This 3 minute video provides an historical background of Zionism and the role of the Zionist movement from when the movement was started in 1897

VIDEO : Son of an Israeli General speaks

The Son of an Israeli General describes Palestine before and during the creation of the State of Israel and he also describes events taking place amongst Israel's Generals before and after the 1967 Arab-israeli War when Israel siezed the West Bank , the Sinai Desert and the Golan Heights. His name is Miko Peled. He is Author of 'The General's Son' He conveys his perspective of events that lead to the Israel-Palestine impasse. Duration of video : 28 minutes ; 78.7 Megabytes

A video which presents an opposing perspective will be placed underneath providing that it's not longer than 20 minutes AND that the person/s whom present this opposing perspective identify themselves in the video

An Examination of this conflict between the two Nations of People in light of this message of 12th April 2009 is of relevance to this Science-Theology website for this reason; It provides us the opportunity to gain an insight into the minds of our creators, The Elohim, whom inhabit a highly advanced civilization.... not only technologically, but also socially. Their Messages speaks of an 'inheritance' , thus, of relevance is the assessment which they will be making at this crucial time. This 'inheritance' is conditional. (( see : Le Livre Qui Dit La Verite © 1974 ; section titled 'Overpopulation' ))

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VIDEO : Historical Backround of the WEST BANK

The video below published on youtube in September 2016 is narrated by an American researcher/observer. He takes a look inside the WEST BANK and he also provides an historical background of the WEST BANK that has lead to the present impasse. This video is placed here on this website because of it's impartiality and accuracy, and also because this video is of relevance to the Messages from the Elohim. Specifically, if the Nation of Israel is to become the Scientific and Spiritual centre of our Planet then the conditions in Israel need to be conducive to ensure that this will happen. For our creators the Elohim who are watching over their creation The WEST BANK would be one dispute that most definitely must be resolved. Duration of Video : 8 minutes ; 83 Megabytes

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Part 2   In part 2 of this video published on youtube about1 year after the 1st video above, this American researcher takes a look at housing project inside East Jeruselem where American settlers have established a housing complex. In this video signifcant history of East Jerusalem is explained. Duration of this video is 9 minutes

VIDEO : Historical Backround to the Establishment of the State of Israel in 1948

In this video below published on youtube in August 2013, historians provide a sketchy picture of the events that lead up to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the crimes committed by the army of this newly formed State. The events spoken of in this video are from about 1900 up until 1950 : a long time before the Prophet RAEL transcribed the two messages from the Elohim (( in 1973 and 1975 )). The Question arises as to why the Elohim would have requested their Embassy be established within the Nation of Israel when crimes had been committed by the army of the newly formed State ?

The answer lays with the message transcribed by the Prophet RAEL. Copies of these messages were sent to all the Governing Authorities in the State of Israel: in Hebrew and in English. What is important was for these Governing Authorities to recognize the Prophet RAEL through the pages of these messages and get in contact with him. Accordingly then, the newly formed state could only have one Spiritual Guide: this is the awaited Messiah : the prophet RAEL. Duration of Video : 9 minutes ; 35 Megabytes

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